Compare commits


No commits in common. "7d3856e37c6ace10c3a915f447ae8e547febd279" and "e59090a2cfae295bbc7ce3e35b745cc980743777" have entirely different histories.

14 changed files with 304 additions and 434 deletions

View File

@ -32,3 +32,7 @@ INVEST="5"
# Stop all trading and sell everything if the complete balance shrinks under this value in ${CURRENCY} # Stop all trading and sell everything if the complete balance shrinks under this value in ${CURRENCY}
# Headline - don't touch
export csv_headline="Date and Time,Price,Change,EMA12,EMA26,MACD,EMA9 (Sig.),Histogram,MACD Sig.,RSI5,RSI14,RSI21,RSI720,RSI60,RSI120,RSI240,RSI420,Change 24h,Change 7d,Change 14d,Change 30d,Change 1y,MarketCap Change 24h,FIB60,FIB168,FIB672,FIB8064"

View File

@ -55,16 +55,6 @@ do
. ../../dabo-bot.conf . ../../dabo-bot.conf
. ../../dabo-bot.override.conf . ../../dabo-bot.override.conf
# Headline
export csv_headline="Date and Time,Price,Change,EMA12,EMA26,MACD,EMA9 (Sig.),Histogram,MACD Sig.,RSI5,RSI14,RSI21,RSI720,RSI60,RSI120,RSI240,RSI420,Change 24h,Change 7d,Change 14d,Change 30d,Change 1y,MarketCap Change 24h,RANGE PERIODS,LOWEST IN RANGE,HIGHEST IN RANGE,PIVOT POINT,SUPPORT1,RESIST1,GOLDEN POCKET SUPPORT,GOLDEN POCKET RESIST,GOLDEN POCKET 65 SUPPORT,GOLDEN POCKET 65 RESIST,SUPPORT3,RESIST3,EMA50,EMA100,EMA200,EMA800"
# Timestamp
export f_timestamp=$(g_date_print)
# get minute interval for find -mmin
INTERVAL_MIN=$(echo "${INTERVAL}/60-1" | bc -l | sed -r 's/^(-?)\./\10./' | cut -d\. -f1)
# stock data # stock data
then then

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
function genchart {
# generate css chart (line diagram) from csv file or simple file with number per line - needed charts.css included in webppage
local mark
local lastmark
local file=$1
local lastlines=$2
[ -z "${lastlines}" ] && lastlines=50
local fields=$3
[ -z "${fields}" ] && fields=1
local colors=$4
[ -z "${colors}" ] && colors="White,Gold,Silver,Blue,DarkMagenta,DarkViolet,Indigo,MediumBlue,DarkOrchid,MidnightBlue,CornflowerBlue,CadetBlue,DarkCyan,DarkSlateBlue,DeepSkyBlue,DodgerBlue,Teal"
local awkfields=$(echo "${fields}" | sed 's/,/ \",\" \$/g; s/^/\$/')
#tail -n ${lastlines} "${file}" | cut -d, -f${fields} | egrep "^[-0-9]" >${g_tmp}/g_genchart_data
tail -n ${lastlines} "${file}" | awk -F',' "{ print $awkfields }" | perl -pe 's/,,+//g' | egrep "^[-0-9]" >${g_tmp}/g_genchart_data
lines=$(cat ${g_tmp}/g_genchart_data | wc -l)
#head -n1 "${file}" | cut -d, -f${fields} >${g_tmp}/g_genchart_headline
head -n1 "${file}" | awk -F',' "{ print $awkfields }" >${g_tmp}/g_genchart_headline
local time_from=$(tail -n ${lastlines} "${file}" | head -n1 | cut -d, -f1)
local time_to=$(tail -n1 "${file}" | cut -d, -f1)
local highest=$(cat ${g_tmp}/g_genchart_data | sed 's/,/\n/g' | sort -n | egrep "^[-0-9]" | tail -n1 | sed 's/^-//')
local lowest=$(cat ${g_tmp}/g_genchart_data | sed 's/,/\n/g' | sort -n | egrep "^[-0-9]" | head -n1)
if echo ${lowest} | grep -q '^-'
lowest=$(echo ${lowest} | sed 's/^-//')
local calc="+ ${lowest}) / (${highest} + ${lowest}"
local calcnull="(0 $calc)"
local calc="- ${lowest}) / (${highest} - ${lowest}"
local calcnull="0"
#local divideby=$(echo "$highest+$lowest" | bc -l | sed 's/^\./0./; s/^-\./-0./')
local fieldsnum=$(cat ${g_tmp}/g_genchart_headline | sed 's/,/\n/g' | wc -l)
local color="green"
tail -n1 ${g_tmp}/g_genchart_data | cut -d, -f1 | grep -q "^-" && color="red"
mkdir ${g_tmp}/g_genchart
echo "<table id='noborder' width='100%'><tr><td id='noborder' width='100%'>"
echo "<div id='$RND'>"
echo "<table class='charts-css line show-data-on-hover'><caption> $RND </caption>"
local line
for fieldnum in $(seq ${fieldsnum} | tac)
linecolor=$(echo "$colors" | cut -d, -f${fieldnum})
linename=$(cat ${g_tmp}/g_genchart_headline | cut -d, -f${fieldnum} | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])
if [ ${fieldnum} -eq 1 ]
echo "<b><font color='${color}'>${linename}</font></b><br>"
echo "<b><font color='${linecolor}'>${linename}</font></b><br>"
fi >>${g_tmp}/g_genchart/legend
local linenum=1
for line in $(cat ${g_tmp}/g_genchart_data)
for mark in $(echo ${line} | cut -d, -f${fieldnum})
[ -z "${lastmark}" ] && lastmark=${mark}
local calcstart="(${lastmark} ${calc})"
local calcend="(${mark} ${calc})"
if [ ${fieldnum} -eq 1 ]
echo "<td style='--color: grey; --start: calc( ${calcnull} ); --end: calc( ${calcnull} );'> </td>"
echo "<td style='--color: ${color}; --start: calc( ${calcstart} ); --end: calc( ${calcend} );'> <span class='tooltip'> ${mark} </span> </td>"
echo "<td style='--color: ${linecolor}; --start: calc( ${calcstart} ); --end: calc( ${calcend} );'> </td>"
fi >>${g_tmp}/g_genchart/${linenum}
# put all lines together
for linenum in $(seq 2 ${lines})
echo "<tr>"
cat ${g_tmp}/g_genchart/${linenum}
echo "</tr>"
echo "</table></div>"
# legend
if grep -q ',' ${g_tmp}/g_genchart_headline
echo "<td id='noborder'>"
tac ${g_tmp}/g_genchart/legend
echo "</td>"
if echo ${time_from} | egrep -q '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]' && echo ${time_to} | egrep -q '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]'
echo "</tr><td id='noborder'><table width='100%' id='noborder'><tr><td id='noborder'><p style='text-align:left;'>${time_from}</p></td><td id='noborder' width='100%'><hr></td><td id='noborder'><p style='text-align:right;'>${time_to}</p></td></tr></table></td><td id='noborder'></td>"
echo "</tr></table>"
rm -r ${g_tmp}/g_genchart

View File

@ -3,117 +3,94 @@ function get_asset {
local f_ASSET="$1" local f_ASSET="$1"
# write asset hist file with macd and rsi # write asset hist file with macd and rsi
local f_ASSET_HIST_FILE="asset-histories/${f_ASSET}.history-raw.csv" local f_ASSET_HIST_FILE="asset-histories/${f_ASSET}.history-raw.csv"
[ -f "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" ] || echo "Date and Time,Price" >"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
if ! grep -q "^$(echo "${f_timestamp}" | cut -d: -f1,2)" "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
local f_line="${f_timestamp},$(egrep "^${f_ASSET}," EXCHANGE_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT | cut -d, -f2)"
echo "${f_line}" >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
if find "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" -mmin -${INTERVAL_MIN} | grep -q "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" local f_linecount=0
then local f_last_price=0
g_echo_note "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} already downloaded in the last ${INTERVAL_MIN} minutes" local f_lines="$(tail -n 51 "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" | wc -l)"
return 0
for f_price in $(tail -n 50 "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" | grep "^[0-9]" | cut -d, -f2)
if [ "$f_last_price" == "$f_price" ]
let "f_linecount+=1"
if [ ${f_linecount} -le 3 ] && [ ${f_lines} -ge 50 ]
[ -f "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" ] || echo "Date and Time,Price" >"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
if ! grep -q "^$(echo "${f_timestamp}" | cut -d: -f1,2)" "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
local f_line="${f_timestamp},$(egrep "^${f_ASSET}," EXCHANGE_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT | cut -d, -f2)"
echo "${f_line}" >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
local f_linecount=0
local f_last_price=0
local f_lines="$(tail -n 51 "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" | wc -l)"
for f_price in $(tail -n 50 "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" | grep "^[0-9]" | cut -d, -f2)
if [ "$f_last_price" == "$f_price" ]
then then
continue g_echo_note "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}: price seems not to change - ignoring"
return 0
fi fi
let "f_linecount+=1"
if [ ${f_linecount} -le 3 ] && [ ${f_lines} -ge 50 ] f_ASSET_HIST_FILE="asset-histories/${f_ASSET}.history.csv"
then if [ ${f_linecount} -lt 30 ] && [ ${f_lines} -ge 50 ] && [ ${INTERVAL} -lt 300 ]
g_echo_note "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}: price seems not to change - ignoring"
return 0
#if [ ${f_linecount} -lt 30 ] && [ ${f_lines} -ge 50 ] && [ ${INTERVAL} -lt 300 ]
# g_echo_note "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}: set price to 5 minute period"
# if ! echo "${f_timestamp}" | egrep -q ":[0-5]0:|:[0-5]5:"
# then
# return 0
# fi
# headline
#[ -s "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" ] || echo "${csv_headline}" >"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
if [ -s "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" ]
sed -i -e 1c"$csv_headline" "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
echo "$csv_headline" >"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
# date and price
echo -n "${f_line}" >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
# calculate price change percentage
f_last_price=$(tail -n2 ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} | head -n1 | cut -d, -f2)
if echo $f_last_price | grep -q "^[0-9]"
f_price=$(tail -n1 ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} | cut -d, -f2)
local f_price_change=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_last_price} ${f_price})
local f_price_change=""
echo -n ",${f_price_change}" >>"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
# calculate macd and rsi
get_macd_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 5
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 14
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 21
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 720
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 60
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 120
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 240
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 480
# get coingecko price change
local f_asset=$(echo ${f_ASSET} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}\$//" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_24h_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_14d_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_30d_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_1y_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.market_cap_change_percentage_24h)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
# range and fibonacci
get_range ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
# Calculate EMA 50:36 100:37 200:38 800:39
local f_calcemanumcolumn
for f_calcemanumcolumn in 50:36 100:37 200:38 800:39
local f_calcema=$(echo ${f_calcemanumcolumn} | cut -d: -f1)
local f_caclemacolumn=$(echo ${f_calcemanumcolumn} | cut -d: -f2)
get_ema "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" 2 ${f_calcema} "$(tail -n2 "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" | head -n1 | grep ^2 | cut -d, -f${f_caclemacolumn})" "${f_price}"
if [ -z "${f_ema}" ]
then then
g_echo_note "${FUNCNAME} $@: Not enough data for calculating EMA - waiting for more values" g_echo_note "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}: set price to 5 minute period"
echo -n "," >>"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" if ! echo "${f_timestamp}" | egrep -q ":[0-5]0:|:[0-5]5:"
return 0
# headline
[ -s "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" ] || echo "${csv_headline}" >"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
# date and price
echo -n "${f_line}" >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
# calculate price change percentage
f_last_price=$(tail -n2 ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} | head -n1 | cut -d, -f2)
if echo $f_last_price | grep -q "^[0-9]"
f_price=$(tail -n1 ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} | cut -d, -f2)
local f_price_change=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_last_price} ${f_price})
else else
echo -n ",${f_ema}" >>"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" local f_price_change=""
fi fi
done echo -n ",${f_price_change}" >>"${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}"
# end with newline # calculate macd and rsi
echo "" >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} get_macd_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
fi get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 5
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 14
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 21
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 720
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 60
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 120
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 240
get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 480
# get coingecko price change
local f_asset=$(echo ${f_ASSET} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}\$//" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_24h_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_14d_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_30d_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.price_change_percentage_1y_in_currency)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
echo -n ,$(jq -r ".[] |select(.symbol==\"${f_asset}\")|\"\\(.market_cap_change_percentage_24h)\"" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
# Calculate Fibonacci-Retracement
# last 60 timeframes (a day on hourly)
get_fibonacci_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 60
# last 168 timeframes (a week on hourly)
get_fibonacci_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 168
# last 672 timeframes (a month on hourly)
get_fibonacci_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 672
# last 8064 timeframes (a year on hourly)
get_fibonacci_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 8064
# end with newline
echo "" >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}
} }

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function get_assets {
# timestamp for data # timestamp for data
#f_timestamp=$(g_date_print) f_timestamp=$(g_date_print)
# check output # check output
if [ -s ${f_filename}_OUT.tmp ] && egrep -q "^[A-Z]+${CURRENCY},[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$" ${f_filename}_OUT.tmp if [ -s ${f_filename}_OUT.tmp ] && egrep -q "^[A-Z]+${CURRENCY},[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$" ${f_filename}_OUT.tmp
then then

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function get_balances {
# calculate complete balance # calculate complete balance
local f_COMPLETE_BALANCE=$(echo "scale=2; $CURRENCY_BALANCE+$f_SPOT_BALANCE" | bc -l) local f_COMPLETE_BALANCE=$(echo "scale=2; $CURRENCY_BALANCE+$f_SPOT_BALANCE" | bc -l)
#local f_timestamp=$(g_date_print) local f_timestamp=$(g_date_print)
# write balance history # write balance history
echo "$f_timestamp,$f_COMPLETE_BALANCE" >>"asset-histories/BALANCECOMPLETE${CURRENCY}.history.csv" echo "$f_timestamp,$f_COMPLETE_BALANCE" >>"asset-histories/BALANCECOMPLETE${CURRENCY}.history.csv"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
function get_fibonacci_indicator {
#g_echo_note "RUNNING FUNCTION ${FUNCNAME} $@"
# get histfile
local f_hist_file="$1"
local f_period="$2"
# Check for enough time periods in data
local f_period=$((f_period+1))
local f_period_sum=$(tail -n${f_period} "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d, -f2 | grep "^[0-9]" | wc -l)
if ! [ ${f_period_sum} -ge ${f_period} ]
g_echo_note "${FUNCNAME} $@: Not enough data - waiting for more values and defaulting to 0. (${f_period} needed; ${f_period_sum} given)"
echo -n ",0" >>"${f_hist_file}"
return 0
# get highest and lowest price in period and current price
local f_highest=$(tail -n${f_period} "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d"," -f2 | grep "^[0-9]" | sort -n | tail -n1)
local f_lowest=$(tail -n${f_period} "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d"," -f2 | grep "^[0-9]" | sort -n | head -n1)
local f_price=$(tail -n1 "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d"," -f2 | grep "^[0-9]")
# calculate range
local f_range=$(echo "${f_highest}-${f_lowest}" | bc -l)
# calculate current difference to highest
local f_diff_to_highest=$(echo "${f_highest}-${f_price}" | bc -l)
local f_diff_to_highest_in_range=$(echo "${f_range}-${f_diff_to_highest}" | bc -l)
# calculate fibonacci retracement value from range to difference of highest price
f_fibonacci=$(echo "scale=8; 1+(1/${f_range}*(${f_diff_to_highest_in_range}-${f_range}))" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' | xargs printf "%.3f")
#f_fibonacci=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_range} ${f_diff_to_highest_in_range})
echo -n ",${f_fibonacci}" >>"${f_hist_file}"
# echo "
#g_echo_note "Fibonacci-Retracement: ${f_fibonacci}"

View File

@ -3,11 +3,6 @@ function get_marketdata {
local f_name="$2" local f_name="$2"
## get data for analysis ## get data for analysis
if find asset-histories/${f_name}.history.csv -mmin -${INTERVAL_MIN} | grep -q "asset-histories/${f_name}.history.csv"
g_echo_note "asset-histories/${f_name}.history.csv already downloaded in the last ${INTERVAL_MIN} minutes"
return 0
# check source platform for parsing parameters, prepare and run wget command # check source platform for parsing parameters, prepare and run wget command

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
#. /etc/bash/gaboshlib.include
function get_range {
# get histfile
local f_hist_file="$1"
# find constant range in defined periods
local f_test_periods=1000
# go reverse through periods and look for range
for f_test_period in $(seq 1 ${f_test_periods})
# get average from period to now
local f_rangeaverage=$(tail -n${f_test_period} "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d, -f2 | grep "^[0-9]" | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { OFMT = "%2.8f"; if (n > 0) print sum / n; }')
# get old price from period
local f_period_price=$(tail -n${f_test_period} "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d, -f2 | grep "^[0-9]" | head -n1)
# get percentage diff from old price and last average
local f_period_price_diff=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_period_price} ${f_rangeaverage} | sed 's/^-//; s/\..*$//')
# if percentage change is larger then 2% to the average we have an new price range
local f_range_periods=${f_test_period}
if [ ${f_period_price_diff} -gt 2 ]
# get highest, lowest and current price in period
local f_highest_in_range=$(tail -n${f_range_periods} "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d, -f2 | grep "^[0-9]" | sort -n | tail -n1)
local f_lowest_in_range=$(tail -n${f_range_periods} "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d, -f2 | grep "^[0-9]" | sort -n | head -n1)
local f_current_price=$(tail -n1 "${f_hist_file}" | cut -d, -f2 | grep "^[0-9]" | head -n1)
# calculate Pivot Point (PP)
local f_pivot_point=$(echo "scale=8; (${f_highest_in_range}+${f_lowest_in_range}+${f_current_price})/3" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;')
# calculate support/resist and golden pocket
local f_support1=$(echo "scale=8; ${f_pivot_point}-((${f_highest_in_range}-${f_lowest_in_range})*0.382)" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' )
local f_resist1=$(echo "scale=8; ${f_pivot_point}+((${f_highest_in_range}-${f_lowest_in_range})*0.382)" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' )
local f_golden_pocket_support=$(echo "scale=8; ${f_pivot_point}-((${f_highest_in_range}-${f_lowest_in_range})*0.618)" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' )
local f_golden_pocket_resist=$(echo "scale=8; ${f_pivot_point}+((${f_highest_in_range}-${f_lowest_in_range})*0.618)" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' )
local f_golden_pocket65_support=$(echo "scale=8; ${f_pivot_point}-((${f_highest_in_range}-${f_lowest_in_range})*0.65)" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' )
local f_golden_pocket65_resist=$(echo "scale=8; ${f_pivot_point}+((${f_highest_in_range}-${f_lowest_in_range})*0.65)" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' )
local f_support3=$(echo "scale=8; ${f_pivot_point}-((${f_highest_in_range}-${f_lowest_in_range})*1)" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' )
local f_resist3=$(echo "scale=8; ${f_pivot_point}+((${f_highest_in_range}-${f_lowest_in_range})*1)" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./;' )
# write down in history
echo -n "${f_range_periods},${f_lowest_in_range},${f_highest_in_range},${f_pivot_point},${f_support1},${f_resist1},${f_golden_pocket_support},${f_golden_pocket_resist},${f_golden_pocket65_support},${f_golden_pocket65_resist},${f_support3},${f_resist3}" >>"${f_hist_file}"
#get_range /home/docker/

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
function get_rate_percentage_min_before_and_now {
# get vars
local f_asset=$1
local f_currency=$2
local f_min=$3
# Optional time from min before sould be calculated (to be able to calculate from 5 min before to 10 minutes before)
local f_min_from=$4
# clean up global variable (maybe used in runs before)
local f_asset_hist_file="asset-histories/${f_asset}${f_currency}.history.csv"
if [ -s "f_asset_hist_file" ]
g_echo_note "${f_asset}: No or empty histfile(${f_asset_hist_file}) found"
return 1
# prepare date
if [ -n "${f_min_from}" ]
local f_min_date_from=$(date "+%F %H:%M:" --date="-${f_min_from} minutes")
local f_min_date_from=$(date "+%F %H:%M:")
local f_min_date=$(date "+%F %H:%M:" --date="-${f_min} minutes")
if [ -z "${f_min_date}" ]
g_echo_warn "${f_asset}: Error while calculating date ${f_min} before"
return 1
# get current exchange rate
local f_current_exchange_rate=$(egrep "^${f_min_date_from}" ${f_asset_hist_file} | cut -d, -f2)
if [ -z "${f_current_exchange_rate}" ]
g_echo_note "${f_asset}: From rate $f_min_from ${f_min_date_from} not found in ${f_asset_hist_file}"
return 1
# get exchange rate defined minutes before
local f_min_before_exchange_rate=$(egrep "^${f_min_date}" ${f_asset_hist_file} | cut -d, -f2)
if [ -z "${f_min_before_exchange_rate}" ]
g_echo_note "${f_asset}: Rate ${f_min} minutes ago not found in ${f_asset_hist_file}"
return 2
# calculate difference in percentage between current rate and rate defined minutes before
f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_min_before_exchange_rate} ${f_current_exchange_rate})
if [ -z "$f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage" ]
g_echo_warn "${f_asset}: Calculating difference between rate ${f_min} minutes ago (${min_before_exchange_rate}) and current (${m_current_exchange_rate}) in percentage failed"
return 3
# give back percentage
g_echo_note "${f_asset}: difference from ${f_current_exchange_rate} from ${f_min_date_from} and ${f_min_date} ${f_min_before_exchange_rate}: ${f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage}%"
return 0

View File

@ -17,23 +17,19 @@ function get_vars_from_csv {
readarray -d "," -t f_last_line_array < <(echo "0,${f_last_line}") readarray -d "," -t f_last_line_array < <(echo "0,${f_last_line}")
# basics
get_var_from_line date 1 get_var_from_line date 1
get_var_from_line price 2 get_var_from_line price 2
get_var_from_line price_change 3 get_var_from_line price_change 3
get_var_from_line ema12 4 get_var_from_line ema12 4
get_var_from_line ema26 5 get_var_from_line ema26 5
get_var_from_line macd_histogram 8 get_var_from_line macd_histogram 8
get_var_from_line macd_signal_relation 9 get_var_from_line macd_signal_relation 9
f_macd_histogram_relation=$(echo "${f_macd_signal_relation}" | cut -d\| -f1) f_macd_histogram_relation=$(echo "${f_macd_signal_relation}" | cut -d\| -f1)
[ -z "$f_macd_histogram_relation" ] && return 1 [ -z "$f_macd_histogram_relation" ] && return 1
f_macd_histogram_signal=$(echo "${f_macd_signal_relation}" | cut -d\| -f2) f_macd_histogram_signal=$(echo "${f_macd_signal_relation}" | cut -d\| -f2)
# rsi
get_var_from_line rsi5 10 get_var_from_line rsi5 10
get_var_from_line rsi14 11 get_var_from_line rsi14 11
get_var_from_line rsi21 12 get_var_from_line rsi21 12
@ -43,36 +39,18 @@ function get_vars_from_csv {
get_var_from_line rsi240 16 get_var_from_line rsi240 16
get_var_from_line rsi420 17 get_var_from_line rsi420 17
# price changes
get_var_from_line price_change_1_day 18 get_var_from_line price_change_1_day 18
get_var_from_line price_change_7_day 19 get_var_from_line price_change_7_day 19
get_var_from_line price_change_14_day 20 get_var_from_line price_change_14_day 20
get_var_from_line price_change_30_day 21 get_var_from_line price_change_30_day 21
get_var_from_line price_change_1_year 22 get_var_from_line price_change_1_year 22
# marketcap
get_var_from_line marketcap_change_1_day 23 get_var_from_line marketcap_change_1_day 23
# range and fibonacci get_var_from_line fibo60 24
get_var_from_line range_periods 24 get_var_from_line fibo168 25
get_var_from_line lowest_in_range 25 get_var_from_line fibo672 26
get_var_from_line highest_in_range 26 get_var_from_line fibo8064 27
get_var_from_line pivot_point 27
get_var_from_line support1 28
get_var_from_line resist1 29
get_var_from_line golden_pocket_support 30
get_var_from_line golden_pocket_resist 31
get_var_from_line golden_pocket65_support 32
get_var_from_line golden_pocket65_resist 33
get_var_from_line support3 34
get_var_from_line resist3 35
# EMAs
get_var_from_line ema50 36
get_var_from_line ema100 37
get_var_from_line ema200 38
get_var_from_line ema800 39
} }
function get_var_from_line { function get_var_from_line {

View File

@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
function market_performance { function market_performance {
g_echo_note "MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv already downloaded in the last ${INTERVAL_MIN} minutes"
return 0
## function for scoring limits set in config up or down by specific (market) facts ## function for scoring limits set in config up or down by specific (market) facts
# generates variable f_market_performance # generates variable f_market_performance
@ -69,12 +64,12 @@ function market_performance {
# day average 1 week ago # day average 1 week ago
local f_from=$(grep "^$(date "+%Y-%m-%d" -d "last week") " asset-histories/${f_INDEX}-INDEX.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }') local f_from=$(grep "^$(date "+%Y-%m-%d" -d "last week") " asset-histories/${f_INDEX}-INDEX.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }')
# fallback this or last month # fallback this or last month
#[ -z "${f_from}" ] && f_from=$(grep "^$(date "+%Y-%m-")" asset-histories/${f_INDEX}-INDEX.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }') [ -z "${f_from}" ] && f_from=$(grep "^$(date "+%Y-%m-")" asset-histories/${f_INDEX}-INDEX.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }')
#[ -z "${f_from}" ] && f_from=$(grep "^$(date "+%Y-%m-" -d "last month")" asset-histories/${f_INDEX}-INDEX.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }') [ -z "${f_from}" ] && f_from=$(grep "^$(date "+%Y-%m-" -d "last month")" asset-histories/${f_INDEX}-INDEX.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }')
# if no data # if no data
[ -z "${f_from}" ] && f_from=0 [ -z "${f_from}" ] && f_from=0
# middle of latest 10 values # latest value
local f_to=$(tail -n 10 asset-histories/${f_INDEX}-INDEX.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }') local f_to=$(tail -n 1 asset-histories/${f_INDEX}-INDEX.history.csv | cut -d, -f2)
[ -z "${f_to}" ] && f_to=0 [ -z "${f_to}" ] && f_to=0
if [ ${f_to} == "0" ] || [ ${f_from} == "0" ] if [ ${f_to} == "0" ] || [ ${f_from} == "0" ]
then then
@ -132,25 +127,29 @@ function market_performance {
f_index_performance_csv="${f_index_performance_csv},${f_index_performance}" f_index_performance_csv="${f_index_performance_csv},${f_index_performance}"
done done
# price performance bitcoin # price performance bitcoin (last 48 intervals)
#local f_from=$(tail -n 48 asset-histories/BTC${CURRENCY}.history.csv | head -n 24 | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }') #local f_from=$(tail -n 48 asset-histories/BTC${CURRENCY}.history.csv | grep -v ^[A-Z] | head -n1 | cut -d, -f2)
#local f_to=$(tail -n 24 asset-histories/BTC${CURRENCY}.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }') #local f_to=$(tail -n 1 asset-histories/BTC${CURRENCY}.history.csv | cut -d, -f2)
#local f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_from} ${f_to}) local f_from=$(tail -n 48 asset-histories/BTC${CURRENCY}.history.csv | head -n 24 | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }')
#local f_btc_performance=${f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage} local f_to=$(tail -n 24 asset-histories/BTC${CURRENCY}.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }')
local f_btc_performance=$(jq -r '.[] |select(.symbol=="btc")|(.price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency)' COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) local f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_from} ${f_to})
#get_rate_percentage_min_before_and_now BTC ${CURRENCY} 360 || return 1
local f_btc_performance=${f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage}
# price performance ethereum # price performance ethereum (last 48 intervals)
#local f_from=$(tail -n 48 asset-histories/ETH${CURRENCY}.history.csv | head -n 24 | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }') #get_rate_percentage_min_before_and_now ETH ${CURRENCY} 360 || return 1
#local f_to=$(tail -n 24 asset-histories/ETH${CURRENCY}.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }') #local f_from=$(tail -n 48 asset-histories/ETH${CURRENCY}.history.csv | grep -v ^[A-Z] | head -n1 | cut -d, -f2)
#local f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_from} ${f_to}) #local f_to=$(tail -n 1 asset-histories/ETH${CURRENCY}.history.csv | cut -d, -f2)
#local f_eth_performance=${f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage} local f_from=$(tail -n 48 asset-histories/ETH${CURRENCY}.history.csv | head -n 24 | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }')
local f_eth_performance=$(jq -r '.[] |select(.symbol=="eth")|(.price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency)' COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT) local f_to=$(tail -n 24 asset-histories/ETH${CURRENCY}.history.csv | cut -d, -f2 | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }')
local f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage=$(g_percentage-diff ${f_from} ${f_to})
local f_eth_performance=${f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage}
# hourly price performance over TOP 250 marketcap by coingecko # hourly price performance over TOP 250 marketcap by coingecko
local f_top250_marketcap_performance=$(jq -r ".[].price_change_percentage_1h_in_currency" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { printf("%.2f", SUM/250) }') local f_top250_marketcap_performance=$(jq -r ".[].price_change_percentage_1h_in_currency" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { printf("%.2f", SUM/250) }')
## calculate market performance ## calculate market performance
f_market_performance=$(echo "scale=2; (${f_btc_forecast} + ${f_eth_forecast} + ${f_index_performance_added} + ${f_btc_performance} + ${f_eth_performance} + ${f_top250_marketcap_performance})" | bc -l | sed -r 's/^(-?)\./\10./' | xargs printf "%.2f") f_market_performance=$(echo "scale=2; (${f_btc_forecast} + ${f_eth_forecast} + ${f_index_performance_added} + ${f_btc_performance} + ${f_eth_performance} + ${f_top250_marketcap_performance})" | bc -l | sed -r 's/^(-?)\./\10./')
local f_date=$(g_date_print) local f_date=$(g_date_print)
echo "${f_date} Market Performance: ${f_market_performance}%; BTC forecast: ${f_btc_forecast}%; ETH forecast: ${f_eth_forecast}%; ${f_index_performance_txt}BTC: ${f_btc_performance}%; ETH: ${f_eth_performance}%; TOP250 Marketcap: ${f_top250_marketcap_performance}%" >>MARKET_PERFORMANCE echo "${f_date} Market Performance: ${f_market_performance}%; BTC forecast: ${f_btc_forecast}%; ETH forecast: ${f_eth_forecast}%; ${f_index_performance_txt}BTC: ${f_btc_performance}%; ETH: ${f_eth_performance}%; TOP250 Marketcap: ${f_top250_marketcap_performance}%" >>MARKET_PERFORMANCE
local f_indexlistcsv=$(echo "$f_indexlist" | perl -pe 's/\n/,/g; s/ +/,/g; s/,+/,/g') local f_indexlistcsv=$(echo "$f_indexlist" | perl -pe 's/\n/,/g; s/ +/,/g; s/,+/,/g')

View File

@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
function genchart {
local lastmark=0
local mark=""
local file="$1"
local highest=$(sort -n "${file}" | tail -n1 | sed s/^-//)
local lowest=$(sort -n "${file}" | head -n1 | sed s/^-//)
local divideby=$(echo "$highest+$lowest" | bc -l)
local color="green"
tail -n1 "${file}" | grep -q "^-" && color="red"
echo "<div id='${file}'>
<table class='charts-css line show-data-on-hover show-heading'><caption> $file </caption>"
for mark in $(cat "${file}")
echo "<tr><td style='--color: $color; --start: calc( ($lastmark + $lowest) / $divideby ); --end: calc( ( $mark + $lowest) / $divideby );'> <span class='tooltip'> ${mark} % </span> </td></tr>"
echo "</table></div>"
function webpage { function webpage {
@ -7,18 +27,17 @@ function webpage {
[ -e ../charts.min.css ] || wget -q -O ../charts.min.css [ -e ../charts.min.css ] || wget -q -O ../charts.min.css
# create status webpage # create status webpage
echo "<html> echo '<html><head>
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta charset='UTF-8'> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" />
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='${INTERVAL}'> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/browser.css">
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/browser.css'> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/charts.min.css">' >../index.html.tmp
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/charts.min.css'> echo "<title>Dabo! on ${STOCK_EXCHANGE} - ${URL}</title>
<title>Dabo! on ${STOCK_EXCHANGE} - ${URL}</title> </head><body>" >>../index.html.tmp
</head> echo "<h1>State of Dabo-Bot! on ${STOCK_EXCHANGE} - ${URL} (ReadOnly)</h1>
<body> <h1>Last update $(date "+%F %T")</h1>" >>../index.html.tmp
<h1>State of Dabo-Bot! on ${STOCK_EXCHANGE} - ${URL} (ReadOnly)</h1>
<h1>Last update $(date '+%F %T')</h1>" >../index.html.tmp
local f_SPOT_BALANCE=$(tail -n1 "asset-histories/BALANCESPOT${CURRENCY}.history.csv" | cut -d, -f2) local f_SPOT_BALANCE=$(tail -n1 "asset-histories/BALANCESPOT${CURRENCY}.history.csv" | cut -d, -f2)
local f_COMPLETE_BALANCE=$(tail -n1 "asset-histories/BALANCECOMPLETE${CURRENCY}.history.csv" | cut -d, -f2) local f_COMPLETE_BALANCE=$(tail -n1 "asset-histories/BALANCECOMPLETE${CURRENCY}.history.csv" | cut -d, -f2)
@ -84,7 +103,7 @@ function webpage {
echo '<h2>Open Trades (Invested Assets)</h2>' >>../index.html.tmp echo '<h2>Open Trades (Invested Assets)</h2>' >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<table width='100%'>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<table>" >>../index.html.tmp
local line local line
cat EXCHANGE_GET_BALANCES_CMD_OUT | grep -v ${CURRENCY} | sort | while read line cat EXCHANGE_GET_BALANCES_CMD_OUT | grep -v ${CURRENCY} | sort | while read line
do do
@ -98,19 +117,7 @@ function webpage {
echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<h2>Market Performance ( $(cat MARKET_PERFORMANCE_LATEST)%)</h2>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<h2>Market Performance ( $(cat MARKET_PERFORMANCE_LATEST)%)</h2>" >>../index.html.tmp
#echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td><details><summary>Charts</summary>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<table>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<details><summary>Charts</summary>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "Krypto" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv 50 2,3,4,5,6,7 red-or-green,gold,royalblue,lightyellow,MediumSlateBlue,Sienna >>../index.html.tmp
echo "Commodities" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv 50 2,12,10,13 red-or-green,gold,SandyBrown,Sienna >>../index.html.tmp
echo "World Economic data" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv 50 2,11,15 red-or-green,Yellow,Sienna >>../index.html.tmp
echo "US Economic data" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv 50 2,8,17,16,18,19,20,21,14,9 red-or-green,OliveDrab,Yellow,Orange,DeepSkyBlue,DarkMagenta,PeachPuff,PaleTurquoise,Pink,PapayaWhip >>../index.html.tmp
#echo "</details></td></tr></table>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "</details>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<details><summary>Table</summary><table width='100%'>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<tr>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
head -n1 MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv | perl -pe 's/,/\n/g' | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] | while read f_mperfcol head -n1 MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv | perl -pe 's/,/\n/g' | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] | while read f_mperfcol
do do
@ -135,20 +142,35 @@ function webpage {
echo "</tr>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "</tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
done done
echo "</table></details>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<a href=\"botdata/MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv\">Complete list</a>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<a href=\"botdata/MARKET_PERFORMANCE.csv\">Complete list</a>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<h2>Top/Flop</h2>" >>../index.html.tmp
ls -1 trade-histories/*.result | cut -d . -f3-6 | sort -u | while read f_asset_results
f_asset=$(echo ${f_asset_results} | cut -d\- -f1)
echo $(cat trade-histories/*${f_asset_results} | awk "{ SUM += \$1} END { printf(\"%.2f\", SUM)}") >trade-histories/${f_asset}.complete_result
echo "<h3>Top 10</h3>" >>../index.html.tmp
grep [0-9] trade-histories/*.complete_result | sort -t: -k2 -rn | head -n 10 | cut -d/ -f2 | perl -pe 's/\.complete_result:/ /; s/$/%<br>/' >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<h3>Flop 10</h3>" >>../index.html.tmp
grep [0-9] trade-histories/*.complete_result | sort -t: -k2 -n | head -n 10 | cut -d/ -f2 | perl -pe 's/\.complete_result:/ /; s/$/%<br>/' >>../index.html.tmp
echo '<h2>Latest trades</h2>' >>../index.html.tmp echo '<h2>Latest trades</h2>' >>../index.html.tmp
echo '<h3>Open</h3>' >>../index.html.tmp echo '<h3>Open</h3>' >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<table width='100%'><tr>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<table><tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<td>Date</td> echo "<td>Date</td>
<td>Asset</td> <td>Asset</td>
<td>Action</td> <td>Action</td>
<td>${CURRENCY} Quantity</td> <td>${CURRENCY} Quantity</td>
<td>${CURRENCY} Price</td> <td>${CURRENCY} Price</td>
<td>Commission</td> <td>Commission</td>
<td>Comment</td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp <td>Comment</td>
<td>Chart</td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
local f_trade_file local f_trade_file
for f_trade_file in $(ls -t trade-histories/trade-*-open.history.csv 2>/dev/null) for f_trade_file in $(ls -t trade-histories/trade-*-open.history.csv 2>/dev/null)
@ -163,23 +185,24 @@ function webpage {
<td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f5)</td> <td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f5)</td>
<td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f6)</td> <td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f6)</td>
<td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)</td> <td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)</td>
</tr>" >>../index.html.tmp <td width='800'>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<tr><td colspan='7'><details><summary>Chart</summary>" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart "$interimfile" >>../index.html.tmp genchart "$interimfile" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "</details></td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "</td>
</tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
done done
echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo '<h3>Closed</h3>' >>../index.html.tmp echo '<h3>Closed</h3>' >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<table width='100%'><tr>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<table><tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<td>Date</td> echo "<td>Date</td>
<td>Asset</td> <td>Asset</td>
<td>Action</td> <td>Action</td>
<td>${CURRENCY} Quantity</td> <td>${CURRENCY} Quantity</td>
<td>${CURRENCY} Price (result)</td> <td>${CURRENCY} Price (result)</td>
<td>Commission</td> <td>Commission</td>
<td>Comment</td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp <td>Comment</td>
<td>Chart</td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
for f_trade_file in $(ls -t trade-histories/trade-*-closed.history.csv 2>/dev/null | head -n 50) for f_trade_file in $(ls -t trade-histories/trade-*-closed.history.csv 2>/dev/null | head -n 50)
do do
@ -188,12 +211,10 @@ function webpage {
do do
local f_action=$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f2) local f_action=$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f2)
local f_price=$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f5) local f_price=$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f5)
local tradedate=$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f1 | perl -pe 's/_([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])/ $1:$2/')
if echo ${f_action} | grep -q buy if echo ${f_action} | grep -q buy
then then
echo ${f_price} >${g_tmp}/buyprice echo ${f_price} >${g_tmp}/buyprice
local tradedatebuy=${tradedate}
fi fi
if echo ${f_action} | grep -q sell if echo ${f_action} | grep -q sell
@ -210,43 +231,30 @@ function webpage {
fi fi
local asset=$(echo ${f_trade_file} | cut -d. -f3 | cut -d- -f1) local asset=$(echo ${f_trade_file} | cut -d. -f3 | cut -d- -f1)
interimfile=$(echo ${f_trade_file} | sed 's/closed\.history\.csv/interim\.history\.csv/') interimfile=$(echo ${f_trade_file} | sed 's/closed\.history\.csv/interim\.history\.csv/')
echo "<td>${tradedate}</td> echo "<td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f1)</td>
<td><a href=\"botdata/asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv\">${asset}</a> <a href=\"$(egrep -i ^$(echo ${asset} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}$//"), COINGECKO_IDS | cut -d, -f2 )\">🔗</a></td> <td><a href=\"botdata/asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv\">${asset}</a> <a href=\"$(egrep -i ^$(echo ${asset} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}$//"), COINGECKO_IDS | cut -d, -f2 )\">🔗</a></td>
<td>${f_action}</td> <td>${f_action}</td>
<td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f4)</td> <td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f4)</td>
<td>${f_price}</td> <td>${f_price}</td>
<td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f6)</td> <td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f6)</td>
<td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)</td> ">>../index.html.tmp <td>$(echo ${tradeline} | cut -d, -f7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)</td>
if echo ${f_action} | grep -q sell <td width='800'> ">>../index.html.tmp
then echo ${f_action} | grep -q sell && genchart "$interimfile" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<tr><td colspan='7'><details><summary>Charts</summary>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "</td>
local tradeintervals=$(cat ${interimfile} | wc -l) </tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
head -n1 asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv >${g_tmp}/trade.csv
grep -A ${tradeintervals} "${tradedatebuy}:" asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv >>${g_tmp}/trade.csv
echo "Price, EMA, Levels" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart "${g_tmp}/trade.csv" ${tradeintervals} 2,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 >>../index.html.tmp
echo "MACD" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart "${g_tmp}/trade.csv" ${tradeintervals} 8,6,7 >>../index.html.tmp
echo "RSIs" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart "${g_tmp}/trade.csv" ${tradeintervals} 10,11,12,14,15,16,17,13 >>../index.html.tmp
echo "</details></td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "</tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
done done
done done
echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp
#echo "<h2>Current config</h2>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<h2>Current config</h2>" >>../index.html.tmp
#echo "<pre>$(cat ../../dabo-bot.conf | perl -pe 's/\</&#60;/g; s/\>/&#62;/g;')</pre>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<pre>$(cat ../../dabo-bot.conf | perl -pe 's/\</&#60;/g; s/\>/&#62;/g;')</pre>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo '<h2>Available Assets and histories</h2>' >>../index.html.tmp echo '<h2>Available Assets and histories</h2>' >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<table width='100%'><tr>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<table><tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<tr><td>Asset</td><td>Date</td><td>Price ${CURRENCY}</td><td>24h change (USD)</td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<tr><td>Asset</td><td>Date</td><td>Price ${CURRENCY}</td><td>24h change (USD)</td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
local asset local asset
cat ASSETS | egrep -v "${BLACKLIST}" | sort | while read asset cat ASSETS | egrep -v "${BLACKLIST}" | sort | while read asset
@ -255,36 +263,15 @@ function webpage {
echo "<td><a href=\"botdata/asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv\">${asset}</a> <a href=\"$(egrep -i ^$(echo ${asset} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}$//"), COINGECKO_IDS | cut -d, -f2 )\">🔗</a></td>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<td><a href=\"botdata/asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv\">${asset}</a> <a href=\"$(egrep -i ^$(echo ${asset} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}$//"), COINGECKO_IDS | cut -d, -f2 )\">🔗</a></td>" >>../index.html.tmp
kcurrency=$(echo ${asset} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}//") kcurrency=$(echo ${asset} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}//")
#get_rate_percentage_min_before_and_now ${kcurrency} ${CURRENCY} 1440 #get_rate_percentage_min_before_and_now ${kcurrency} ${CURRENCY} 1440
local assetin=($(cat asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv | egrep -v "0.00000000$" | tail -n2 | head -n1 | sed 's/,/ /g')) local asset=($(cat asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv | egrep -v "0.00000000$" | tail -n2 | head -n1 | sed 's/,/ /g'))
echo "<td>${assetin[0]} ${assetin[1]}</td> echo "
<td>${CURRENCY} ${assetin[2]}</td> <td>${asset[0]} ${asset[1]}</td>
<td>${CURRENCY} ${asset[2]}</td>
<td> $(grep "^$kcurrency," ASSET_PRICE_CHANGE_PERCENTAGE_24H | cut -d, -f2)%</td> <td> $(grep "^$kcurrency," ASSET_PRICE_CHANGE_PERCENTAGE_24H | cut -d, -f2)%</td>
</tr><tr><td colspan='4'>" >>../index.html.tmp </tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<details><summary>${asset} Charts</summary>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "Price, EMA, Levels" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv 50 2,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 >>../index.html.tmp
echo "MACD" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv 50 8,6,7 >>../index.html.tmp
echo "RSIs" >>../index.html.tmp
genchart asset-histories/${asset}.history.csv 50 10,11,12,14,15,16,17,13 >>../index.html.tmp
echo "</details></td></tr>" >>../index.html.tmp
done done
echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "</table>" >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<h2>Top/Flop</h2>" >>../index.html.tmp
ls -1 trade-histories/*.result | cut -d . -f3-6 | sort -u | while read f_asset_results
f_asset=$(echo ${f_asset_results} | cut -d\- -f1)
echo $(cat trade-histories/*${f_asset_results} | awk "{ SUM += \$1} END { printf(\"%.2f\", SUM)}") >trade-histories/${f_asset}.complete_result
echo "<h3>Top 10</h3>" >>../index.html.tmp
grep [0-9] trade-histories/*.complete_result | sort -t: -k2 -rn | head -n 10 | cut -d/ -f2 | perl -pe 's/\.complete_result:/ /; s/$/%<br>/' >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<h3>Flop 10</h3>" >>../index.html.tmp
grep [0-9] trade-histories/*.complete_result | sort -t: -k2 -n | head -n 10 | cut -d/ -f2 | perl -pe 's/\.complete_result:/ /; s/$/%<br>/' >>../index.html.tmp
echo '<h2>Complete trading histories</h2>' >>../index.html.tmp echo '<h2>Complete trading histories</h2>' >>../index.html.tmp
echo "<table>" >>../index.html.tmp echo "<table>" >>../index.html.tmp
find trade-histories -type f -name *.history.csv | cut -d/ -f2 | cut -d. -f1 | sort | while read asset find trade-histories -type f -name *.history.csv | cut -d/ -f2 | cut -d. -f1 | sort | while read asset
@ -297,8 +284,4 @@ function webpage {
# color magic # color magic
cat ../index.html.tmp | perl -pe 's/ (\-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\%)/<font color=red>$1<\/font>/g; s/ ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\%)/<font color=green>$1<\/font>/g;' >../index.html cat ../index.html.tmp | perl -pe 's/ (\-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\%)/<font color=red>$1<\/font>/g; s/ ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\%)/<font color=green>$1<\/font>/g;' >../index.html
#mv ../index.html.tmp ../index.html #mv ../index.html.tmp ../index.html
g_echo_note "RUNNING FUNCTION ${FUNCNAME} $@ finished"
} }

View File

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