# remove this line if you are fine with this settings and want to use them on your own risk!!! # It is strongly recommended to test this strategy first via analyze.sh!!! return 1 # GOOD_MARKET_PERFORMANCE_INDEX defines from which growth the market is considered good/favorable for investment. # The market performance is calculated from the average percentage development of various indicators such as development MSCI World, Bitcoin and Ethereum as well as forecasts. # for details see functions/market_performance.sh # If the market performance is under this value no buying will be done local GOOD_MARKET_PERFORMANCE_INDEX="100" ###### BUY CONDITIONS ###### ### RSI Indicator checks # Don't buy if the RSI-XX value is >= BUY_RSIXX_BUY_SIGNAL_UNTIL local BUY_RSI5_SIGNAL_UNTIL="0" local BUY_RSI14_SIGNAL_UNTIL="0" local BUY_RSI21_SIGNAL_UNTIL="0" local BUY_RSI60_SIGNAL_UNTIL="0" local BUY_RSI120_SIGNAL_UNTIL="0" local BUY_RSI240_SIGNAL_UNTIL="0" local BUY_RSI420_SIGNAL_UNTIL="0" local BUY_RSI720_SIGNAL_UNTIL="0" # Don't buy if the RSI-XX value is <= BUY_RSIXX_BUY_SIGNAL_FROM local BUY_RSI5_SIGNAL_FROM="0" local BUY_RSI14_SIGNAL_FROM="0" local BUY_RSI21_SIGNAL_FROM="0" local BUY_RSI60_SIGNAL_FROM="0" local BUY_RSI120_SIGNAL_FROM="0" local BUY_RSI240_SIGNAL_FROM="0" local BUY_RSI420_SIGNAL_FROM="0" local BUY_RSI720_SIGNAL_FROM="0" ### MACD Indicator Checks # Don't buy if MACD Histogram Relation is not between this values. # The ratio is calculated by the difference between the maximum positive Histogram value (of the defined time period) and the current value. # Here you can specify a percentage range. # If only the buy signal should be considered, simply specify the range 0 and 100. # decimal numbers are not allowed here. local BUY_MACD_RELATION_FROM="0" local BUY_MACD_RELATION_TO="0" # Don't buy if price change is under this percentage values local BUY_MIN_PRICE_CHANGE_LAST_1_DAY="0.25" local BUY_MIN_PRICE_CHANGE_LAST_7_DAY="-1" local BUY_MIN_PRICE_CHANGE_LAST_14_DAY="-2" local BUY_MIN_PRICE_CHANGE_LAST_30_DAY="-5" # Dont buy if growth in the last defined time period <= BUY_MINGROWTH local BUY_MINGROWTH_PERIOD="30" local BUY_MINGROWTH="-10"