function get_assets { g_echo_note "RUNNING FUNCTION ${FUNCNAME} $@" ## determine assets with prices local f_filename="EXCHANGE_GET_ASSETS_CMD" # Try to collect assets # get data from API if [ ${STOCK_EXCHANGE} = "BINANCE" ] then binance-api-call GET /api/v3/ticker/price || return 1 # parse API output cat ${g_tmp}/API_CMD_OUT | jq -r '.[] | .symbol + "," + .price' | grep "${CURRENCY}," | egrep -v "${TRANSFER_CURRENCY},|,0[\.][0]*$" >${f_filename}_OUT.tmp fi # timestamp for data f_timestamp=$(g_date_print) # check output if [ -s ${f_filename}_OUT.tmp ] && egrep -q "^[A-Z]+${CURRENCY},[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$" ${f_filename}_OUT.tmp then mv ${f_filename}_OUT.tmp ${f_filename}_OUT else g_echo_warn "${f_filename}_OUT.tmp has wrong Syntax. - Not updating ${f_filename}_OUT $(tail -n 10 ${f_filename}_OUT.tmp)" return 2 fi ## write assets list and filter by marketcap and sort by price # get krypto symbol list sorted by marketcap echo "curl -s -X 'GET' \",24h,7d,14d,30d\" -H 'accept: application/json'" >COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD g_runcmd g_retrycmd sh COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD >COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT || return 1 #ASSET_MARKETCAP_OUT.tmp || return 1 if [ -s COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT ] && grep -q "market_cap_rank" COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT then # get marketcap sort jq -r '.[].symbol' COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] | head -n $LARGEST_MARKETCAP >ASSET_MARKETCAP_OUT.tmp-sort if [ -s ASSET_MARKETCAP_OUT.tmp-sort ] && egrep -q "^[A-Z0-9]+$" ASSET_MARKETCAP_OUT.tmp-sort then mv ASSET_MARKETCAP_OUT.tmp-sort SORTMARKETCAP else g_echo_warn "ASSET_MARKETCAP_OUT.tmp-sort has wrong Syntax. - Not updating ASSET_MARKETCAP_OUT.tmp-sort $(tail -n 10 ASSET_MARKETCAP_OUT.tmp-sort)" return 2 fi # write down 24h pricechange cat COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT | jq -r '.[] | .symbol + "," + (.price_change_percentage_24h|tostring)' | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] >ASSET_PRICE_CHANGE_PERCENTAGE_24H # store coingecko symbolids for coingecko info URLs jq -r '.[] | .symbol + "," + .id' COINGECKO_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT >COINGECKO_IDS.tmp if [ -s COINGECKO_IDS.tmp ] then mv COINGECKO_IDS.tmp COINGECKO_IDS else g_echo_warn "COINGECKO_IDS.tmp has wrong Syntax. - Not updating COINGECKO_IDS $(tail -n 10 COINGECKO_IDS.tmp)" return 2 fi fi # Write file with asset list and ignore marketcap under LARGEST_MARKETCAP cat EXCHANGE_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT | cut -d"," -f1 | while read f_ASSET do # ignore marketcap under LARGEST_MARKETCAP f_assetwocurrency=$(echo ${f_ASSET} | sed "s/$CURRENCY$//") if ! egrep -q "^${f_assetwocurrency}$" SORTMARKETCAP then #g_echo_note "Ignoring $f_ASSET because of lower marketcap then Top ${LARGEST_MARKETCAP}" continue fi echo ${f_ASSET} >>ASSETS.tmp done mv ASSETS.tmp ASSETS ## write histfiles by having a look on marketcap #>ASSETS_HIGHEST.tmp # get alread invested assets #f_investedassets_regex=$(cat EXCHANGE_GET_BALANCES_CMD_OUT | cut -d, -f1 | perl -pe 's/^/\^/; s/\n/\|/' | perl -pe 's/\|$//') local f_ASSET local f_parallel_arg echo -n "parallel -j3 bash -c --" >/tmp/parallel for f_ASSET in $(cat ASSETS | egrep -v "${BLACKLIST}") do #get_asset "${f_ASSET}" echo -n " \"get_asset ${f_ASSET}\"" >>/tmp/parallel done export -f get_asset export f_timestamp . /tmp/parallel # cleanup trashlines (possibly generated by kill further of this progress) sed -i "/[0-9]$(date +%Y)-/d" asset-histories/* #cat ASSETS | while read f_ASSET #do # # write asset hist file with macd and rsi # local f_ASSET_HIST_FILE="asset-histories/${f_ASSET}.history.csv" # [ -f "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" ] || touch "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" # if ! grep -q "^$(echo "${f_timestamp}" | cut -d: -f1,2)" "${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE}" # then # local f_line="${f_timestamp},$(egrep "^${f_ASSET}," EXCHANGE_GET_ASSETS_CMD_OUT | cut -d, -f2)" # #g_echo_note "Writing new line (${f_line}) to history ${ASSET_HIST_FILE}" # echo -n "${f_line}" >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} # get_macd_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} # get_rsi_indicator ${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} 30 # echo ",${f_macd},${f_rsi}" >>${f_ASSET_HIST_FILE} # fi # cat ASSETS | while read f_ASSET # do # # ignore already invested asset # if echo "$f_ASSET" | egrep -q "$f_investedassets_regex" # then # g_echo_note "Already invested in $f_ASSET - ignoring for more diversification" # continue # fi # # # sort latest assets prices by highest in last timeframe (ignore - or 0) # get_rate_percentage_min_before_and_now $(echo ${f_ASSET} | sed "s/${CURRENCY}\$//") ${CURRENCY} 1 || continue # local f_ASSET_PERCENTAGE=${f_exchange_rate_diff_percentage} # echo "$f_ASSET_PERCENTAGE" | egrep -q '^-|^0.0' && continue # g_echo "adding ${f_ASSET}({$f_ASSET_PERCENTAGE}) to ASSETS_HIGHEST because marketcap in Top ${LARGEST_MARKETCAP}" # echo "${f_ASSET_PERCENTAGE},${f_ASSET}" >>ASSETS_HIGHEST.tmp # done # cat ASSETS_HIGHEST.tmp | sort -r >ASSETS_HIGHEST.tmp2 # mv ASSETS_HIGHEST.tmp2 ASSETS_HIGHEST # rm ASSETS_HIGHEST.tmp # get MSCI World Index for analysis echo "wget -q -O - | egrep 'itemprop=\"price\" content=\"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\"' | cut -d\\\" -f6" >MSCI_WORLD_CMD g_runcmd g_retrycmd sh MSCI_WORLD_CMD >MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT.tmp # check output if [ -s MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT.tmp ] && egrep -q "^[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$" MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT.tmp then if egrep -q "^0\.00$" MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT.tmp then g_echo_note "Ignoring MSCI World $(tail -n 10 MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT.tmp) - maybe out of business day" else mv MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT.tmp MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT fi else g_echo_warn "MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT.tmp has wrong Syntax. - Not updating MSCI WORLD Index $(tail -n 10 MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT.tmp)" fi echo "${f_timestamp},$(cat MSCI_WORLD_CMD_OUT)" >>asset-histories/MSCI-WORLD-INDEX.history.csv }