# The exchange we use for using the correct API STOCK_EXCHANGE="BINANCE" # fee per trade in percentage on exchange (taker and maker added) FEE="0.4" # Interval in seconds INTERVAL="150" ## Currency used for trading CURRENCY="USDT" TRANSFER_CURRENCY="EUR" # Only use currencies under the first X currencies sorted by market capitalization LARGEST_MARKETCAP="250" # Blacklist Currencies BLACKLIST="^DAI${CURRENCY}|^BUSD${CURRENCY}|^USDC${CURRENCY}|^USDP${CURRENCY}|^TUSD${CURRENCY}|^USDD${CURRENCY}|^GUSD${CURRENCY}|^FEI${CURRENCY}|^USTC${CURRENCY}|^FRAX${CURRENCY}|^USDJ${CURRENCY}|^LUSD${CURRENCY}|^EURS${CURRENCY}|^TRIBE${CURRENCY}|^BNB${CURRENCY}" ## Signal Group for Notifications SIGNAL_GROUP="Krypto-Bot" ## Percent from balance per invest. # Overwritten by MIN_NOTIONAL+X% from stock if lower INVEST="5" # GOOD_MARKET_PERFORMANCE_INDEX defines from fwhich growth the market is considered good/favorable for investment. # The market performance is calculated from the average percentage development of various indicators such as development MSCI World, Bitcoin and Ethereum as well as forecasts. # for details see functions/market_performance.sh # If the market performance is under this value no buying will be done GOOD_MARKET_PERFORMANCE_INDEX="0.3" # Stop all trading and sell everything if the complete balance shrinks under this value in ${CURRENCY} EMERGENCY_STOP="190" ###### BUY CONDITIONS ###### ### RSI Indicator checks # Don't buy if the RSI-XX value is >= BUY_RSIXX_BUY_SIGNAL_UNTIL BUY_RSI5_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" BUY_RSI14_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" BUY_RSI21_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" BUY_RSI60_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" BUY_RSI120_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" BUY_RSI240_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" BUY_RSI420_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" BUY_RSI720_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" # Don't buy if the RSI-XX value is <= BUY_RSIXX_BUY_SIGNAL_FROM BUY_RSI5_SIGNAL_FROM="0" BUY_RSI14_SIGNAL_FROM="0" BUY_RSI21_SIGNAL_FROM="0" BUY_RSI60_SIGNAL_FROM="0" BUY_RSI120_SIGNAL_FROM="0" BUY_RSI240_SIGNAL_FROM="0" BUY_RSI420_SIGNAL_FROM="0" BUY_RSI720_SIGNAL_FROM="0" ### MACD Indicator Checks # Don't buy if MACD Histogram Relation is not between this values. # The ratio is calculated by the difference between the maximum positive Histogram value (of the defined time period) and the current value. # Here you can specify a percentage range. # If only the buy signal should be considered, simply specify the range 0 and 100. # decimal numbers are not allowed here. BUY_MACD_RELATION_FROM="60" BUY_MACD_RELATION_TO="95" # Don't buy if price change is under this percentage values BUY_MIN_PRICE_CHANGE_LAST_1_DAY="0.25" BUY_MIN_PRICE_CHANGE_LAST_7_DAY="-1" BUY_MIN_PRICE_CHANGE_LAST_14_DAY="-2" BUY_MIN_PRICE_CHANGE_LAST_30_DAY="-5" # Dont buy if growth in the last defined time period <= BUY_MINGROWTH BUY_MINGROWTH_PERIOD="30" BUY_MINGROWTH="-10" ###### SELL CONDITIONS ###### # Force hold if result negative expect SELL_PERCENTAGE_FROM_LAST_PURCHASE_NEGATIVE. Boolean 1 for true 0 for false. SELL_HOLD_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE="1" # If the price falls by this percentage value from the purchase price, then sell in any case SELL_PERCENTAGE_FROM_LAST_PURCHASE_NEGATIVE="-10" # from here only if SELL_HOLD_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE doesn't match # If the price falls by this percentage value from the last rate SELL_IF_LAST_RATE_LOWER_THEN="-0.25" ### RSI Indicator checks # SELL if the RSI-XX value is <= SELL_RSIXX_SELL_SIGNAL_UNTIL SELL_RSI5_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" SELL_RSI14_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" SELL_RSI21_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" SELL_RSI60_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" SELL_RSI120_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" SELL_RSI240_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" SELL_RSI420_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" SELL_RSI720_SIGNAL_UNTIL="99" # SELL if the RSI-XX value is >= SELL_RSIXX_SELL_SIGNAL_FROM SELL_RSI5_SIGNAL_FROM="90" SELL_RSI14_SIGNAL_FROM="90" SELL_RSI21_SIGNAL_FROM="90" SELL_RSI60_SIGNAL_FROM="70" SELL_RSI120_SIGNAL_FROM="50" SELL_RSI240_SIGNAL_FROM="50" SELL_RSI420_SIGNAL_FROM="50" SELL_RSI720_SIGNAL_FROM="50" # If the price after this time periods is lower the the trading fee, then sell if SELL_HOLD_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE is fine with it SELL_IF_LOWER_THEN_FEE_AFTER_PERIOD="9999999" ### MACD Indicator Checks # Sell if MACD Histogram relation is < this value # The ratio is calculated by the difference between the maximum negative Histogram value (of the defined time period) and the current value. # Here you can specify a percentage range. # If only the sell signal should be considered, simply specify 0 # decimal numbers are not allowed here. SELL_MACD_RELATION_FROM="25"