# Default Config file for Dabo-Bot. Pleasse don't change! # Webpage URL URL="mydabobot.mydomain" # The exchange we use for using the correct API (BINANCE or BITPANDA) STOCK_EXCHANGE="BITPANDA" # fee per trade in percentage on exchange (taker and maker added) FEE="0.5" # Interval in seconds INTERVAL="150" ## Currency used for trading CURRENCY="EUR" TRANSFER_CURRENCY="NONE" # Only use currencies under the first X currencies sorted by market capitalization LARGEST_MARKETCAP="250" # Blacklist Currencies BLACKLIST="^USDT${CURRENCY}|^DAI${CURRENCY}|^BUSD${CURRENCY}|^USDC${CURRENCY}|^USDP${CURRENCY}|^TUSD${CURRENCY}|^USDD${CURRENCY}|^GUSD${CURRENCY}|^FEI${CURRENCY}|^USTC${CURRENCY}|^FRAX${CURRENCY}|^USDJ${CURRENCY}|^LUSD${CURRENCY}|^EURS${CURRENCY}|^TRIBE${CURRENCY}|^BNB${CURRENCY}" ## Signal Group for Notifications SIGNAL_GROUP="Krypto-Bot" ## Percent from balance per invest. # Overwritten by MIN_NOTIONAL+X% from stock if lower INVEST="5" # Stop all trading and sell everything if the complete balance shrinks under this value in ${CURRENCY} EMERGENCY_STOP="1000" # Headline - don't touch export csv_headline="Date and Time,Price,Change,EMA12,EMA26,MACD,EMA9 (Sig.),Histogram,MACD Sig.,RSI5,RSI14,RSI21,RSI720,RSI60,RSI120,RSI240,RSI420,Change 24h,Change 7d,Change 14d,Change 30d"