--- - name: Basic Debian Linux Setup hosts: all tasks: #- name: Print all available facts # ansible.builtin.debug: # var: ansible_facts - name: check if we are in an container env by existing systemd stat: path: /usr/bin/systemd register: nocontainer - name: Install Basic Packages apt: name: - bc - psutils - psmisc - procps - htop - iotop - sysstat - strace - net-tools - vim - git - man-db - netcat-traditional - debconf-utils - iputils-ping - lsof - inotify-tools - rsync - dos2unix - locales - iproute2 - cryptsetup - curl - moreutils - ffmpeg - mediainfo - telnet - libstring-approx-perl - postfix - zip - nmap - whois - libfile-readbackwards-perl - libcrypt-cbc-perl - libcrypt-des-perl - pwgen - jq - cifs-utils - apt-transport-https - golang - make - sshfs - imagemagick - libimage-exiftool-perl - sqlite3 - html-xml-utils - openssh-server - wget - gpg - crudini update_cache: yes install_recommends: no - name: Install Basic Packages if not running in container apt: name: - hd-idle - dhcpcd5 - jnettop - strace - tmux - ethtool - logrotate - smartmontools - at - certbot - btrfs-progs - mdadm - ufw - btrfsmaintenance - sudo - golang - make - sshfs - ldmtool - traceroute - mailutils - rsyslog update_cache: yes install_recommends: no when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: Install Basic Packages especially for Debian 12 - bookworm apt: name: - systemd-resolved update_cache: yes install_recommends: no when: ansible_distribution_release is match("bookworm") - name: check if this is a mint system stat: path: /etc/linuxmint/mintSystem.conf register: mint - name: add dhcpcd to startup command: systemctl enable dhcpcd args: creates: /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/dhcpcd.service when: (nocontainer.stat.exists == true) and (mint.stat.exists == false) - name: No DHCPcd for internal interfaces ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/dhcpcd.conf line: denyinterfaces docker0 virbr0 tornet0 veth* br* when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: Check weather /etc/network/interfaces exists stat: path: /etc/network/interfaces register: stat_result - name: Disable all Network-config but source interfaces.d in /etc/network/interfaces because dhcpcd will do the job replace: path: /etc/network/interfaces regexp: '(^iface .*)' replace: '#\1' when: stat_result.stat.exists - name: Disable all Network-config but source interfaces.d in /etc/network/interfaces because dhcpcd will do the job replace: path: /etc/network/interfaces regexp: '(^allow-hotplug .*)' replace: '#\1' when: stat_result.stat.exists - name: Disable all Network-config but source interfaces.d in /etc/network/interfaces because dhcpcd will do the job replace: path: /etc/network/interfaces regexp: '(^auto .*)' replace: '#\1' when: stat_result.stat.exists - name: Set a hostname ansible.builtin.hostname: name: "{{inventory_hostname}}" when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: Allow the hostnameadm User all sudo commands community.general.sudoers: name: ALL state: present user: "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}adm" commands: ALL when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: Prefer ipv4 over ipv6 to avoid problems and waiting times ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/gai.conf regexp: '^#precedence ::ffff:0:0/96 100' line: "precedence ::ffff:0:0/96 100 # CHANGED BY ANSIBLE" backup: yes - name: Ensure en_US.UTF-8 locale exists community.general.locale_gen: name: en_US.UTF-8 state: present - name: Ensure en_GB.UTF-8 locale exists community.general.locale_gen: name: en_GB.UTF-8 state: present - name: NOW WITH DoH OVER DNSCRYPT-DNS-Proxy ansible.builtin.file: state: absent path: /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/digitalcourage-dot.conf - name: SSH client settings blockinfile: path: /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/settings.conf mode: "0444" owner: root group: root create: yes insertbefore: BOF # Beginning of the file marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | Host * StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new backup: yes - name: Create .ssh dir ansible.builtin.file: path: /root/.ssh owner: root group: root state: directory mode: '0550' when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: Generate an OpenSSH keypair ed25519 community.crypto.openssh_keypair: path: /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 type: ed25519 when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - ansible.posix.sysctl: name: vm.swappiness value: '1' state: present when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: shell profile blockinfile: path: /etc/profile.d/settings-from-ansible.sh create: yes mode: "0444" owner: root group: root marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | if [ "${USER}" = root ] then PS1='\[\033[01;31m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \$\[\033[00m\] ' else PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \$\[\033[00m\] ' fi export EDITOR="/usr/bin/vim" export HISTSIZE= export HISTFILESIZE= export HISTTIMEFORMAT="[%F %T] " if [ -f /etc/debian_version ] then export DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias grep='grep --colour=auto' alias egrep='egrep --colour=auto' alias fgrep='fgrep --colour=auto' fi # execute for linuxmint if [ -d /etc/linuxmint ] then grep -q /etc/profile.d/settings-from-ansible.sh ~/.bashrc || echo '. /etc/profile.d/settings-from-ansible.sh' >> ~/.bashrc export LANG="de_DE.UTF-8" #for rc in ~/.bashrc /etc/skel/.bashrc #do # grep -q /etc/profile.d/settings-from-ansible.sh $rc || echo '. /etc/profile.d/settings-from-ansible.sh' >> $rc #done fi backup: yes validate: /bin/bash -n %s - name: vim settings blockinfile: path: /etc/vim/vimrc.local mode: "0444" owner: root group: root create: yes marker: "\" {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | :syntax on let g:skip_defaults_vim = 1 set encoding=utf-8 set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=2 smarttab syntax match nonascii "[^[:alnum:][:punct:][:space:]]/" highlight nonascii guibg=Red ctermbg=2 backup: yes - name: gaboshlib from git ansible.builtin.git: repo: 'https://gitea.ds9.dedyn.io/olli/gaboshlib.git' dest: /etc/bash force: yes - name: systemd-journald settings blockinfile: path: /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/journald.local.conf create: yes mode: "0444" owner: root group: root marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | [Journal] Storage=persistent SystemMaxUse=30M ForwardToSyslog=yes backup: yes notify: - Restart journald when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: /etc/rsyslog.d/00-services-remote.conf blockinfile: path: /etc/rsyslog.d/00-services-remote.conf create: yes mode: "0444" owner: root group: root marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | # Listen for remote Logging (UDP) module(load="imudp") input(type="imudp" port="514") # Hosts if $hostname startswith '' and $msg contains 'User admin login from successful' then stop if $hostname != '{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}' and $msg contains 'wdGetDidSendCredentials not implemented' and $programname contains 'citrix-wfica' then stop if $hostname != '{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}' and $msg contains 'CGPrecv: socket 0x' and $programname contains 'citrix-wfica' then stop if $hostname != '{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}' and $msg contains 'doEncryptData inbuffersize: ' and $programname contains 'citrix-wfica' then stop if $hostname != '{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}' and $msg contains 'SSLPutDataFn inbuffersize: ' and $programname contains 'citrix-wfica' then stop if $hostname != '{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}' and $msg contains 'SRC=192.168.' and $programname contains 'kernel' then stop if $hostname startswith '' then /var/log/zyxel.log if $hostname startswith '' then stop if $hostname startswith 'raspberry-' then /var/log/Raspberrys.log if $hostname startswith 'raspberry-' then stop if $hostname startswith 'router-' then /var/log/router.log if $hostname startswith 'router-' then stop # Auth success (for share-auth 2FA) #if $programname == 'nextcloud-audit' and $msg contains 'Login successful:' then /var/log/auth-success.log #if $programname == 'imaps' and $msg contains 'TLS User logged in' then /var/log/auth-success.log if $hostname == 'xgabosh' then /var/log/xgabosh.log if $hostname == 'xgabosh' then stop if $hostname != '{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}' and $hostname != 'share' and $hostname != 'backup-chroot' then /var/log/GTC-Hosts.log if $hostname != '{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}' and $hostname != 'share' and $hostname != 'backup-chroot' then stop backup: yes when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true notify: - Restart rsyslog - name: /etc/rsyslog.d/01-services-local.conf blockinfile: path: /etc/rsyslog.d/01-services-local.conf create: yes mode: "0444" owner: root group: root marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | # Additional Socket from chroot input(type="imuxsock" HostName="vpn-share" Socket="/data-crypt/dev/log" CreatePath="on") input(type="imuxsock" HostName="share" Socket="/data-crypt/share/dev/log" CreatePath="on") # Auth success (for share-auth 2FA) if $programname == 'nextcloud-audit' and $msg contains 'Login successful:' then /var/log/auth-success.log if $programname == 'imaps' and $msg contains 'TLS User logged in' then /var/log/auth-success.log # Nextcloud if $msg contains '","level":0,"time":"' and $programname contains 'nextcloud' then stop if $msg contains '","level":1,"time":"' and $programname contains 'nextcloud' then stop if $programname == 'nextcloud' then /var/log/nextcloud.log if $programname == 'nextcloud' then stop if $programname == 'nextcloud-audit' then /var/log/nextcloud.log if $programname == 'nextcloud-audit' then stop if $programname == 'nextcloud-test' then /var/log/nextcloud-test.log if $programname == 'nextcloud-test' then stop if $programname == 'nextcloud-test-audit' then /var/log/nextcloud-test.log if $programname == 'nextcloud-test-audit' then stop # USV if $programname == 'apcupsd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/usv-apcupsd.log if $programname == 'apcupsd' then stop # SMART HDD Überwachung if $programname == 'smartd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/smartd.log if $programname == 'smartd' then stop # SSH TUNNEL if $programname == 'sshd-tunnel' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/sshd-tunnel.log if $programname == 'sshd-tunnel' then stop # SSH SFTP if $programname == 'sshd-sftp' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/sshd-sftp.log if $programname == 'sshd-sftp' then stop # SSH Share if $programname == 'sshd' and $syslogfacility-text == 'local7' then /var/log/sshd-share.log if $programname == 'sshd' and $syslogfacility-text == 'local7' then stop # firewall if $programname == 'kernel' and $msg contains 'PROTO' then /var/log/firewall.log if $programname == 'kernel' and $msg contains 'PROTO' then stop # SSH rsyncbackup if $programname == 'sshd-rsyncbackup' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/sshd-rsyncbackup.log if $programname == 'sshd-rsyncbackup' then stop # SSH if $programname == 'sshd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/sshd.log if $programname == 'sshd' then stop # SFTP if $programname == 'internal-sftp' and $msg contains 'sent status ' then stop if $programname == 'internal-sftp' and $msg contains 'lstat name ' then stop if $programname == 'internal-sftp' and $msg contains '/.kodi/' then stop if $programname == 'internal-sftp' then /var/log/sftpaccess.log if $programname == 'internal-sftp' then stop # Cron if $programname == 'cron' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/cron.log if $programname == 'cron' then stop if $programname == 'run-crons' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/cron.log if $programname == 'run-crons' then stop if $programname == 'crontab' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/cron.log if $programname == 'crontab' then stop # rsync if $programname == 'rsyncd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/rsyncd.log if $programname == 'rsyncd' then stop # DNS if $programname == 'named' and $msg contains '' then stop if $programname == 'named' and $msg contains ': sending notifies' then stop if $programname == 'named' and $msg contains ' loaded serial ' then stop if $programname == 'named' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/bind.log if $programname == 'named' then stop # DHCP if $programname == 'dhcpd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/dhcpd.log if $programname == 'dhcpd' then stop # NFS if $programname == 'rpc.mountd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/nfs.log if $programname == 'rpc.mountd' then stop if $programname == 'rpc.idmapd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/nfs.log if $programname == 'rpc.idmapd' then stop if $programname == 'rpc.statd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/nfs.log if $programname == 'rpc.statd' then stop if $programname == 'rpcbind' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/nfs.log if $programname == 'rpcbind' then stop # NTP if $programname == 'ntpd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/ntp.log if $programname == 'ntpd' then stop if $programname == 'ntpdate' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/ntp.log if $programname == 'ntpdate' then stop # Mail if $msg contains 'auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied' then stop if $msg contains '_sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: ldapdb' then stop if $msg contains 'seen_db: user ' then stop if $msg contains 'SQUAT ' then stop if $msg contains 'indexing mailbox ' then stop if $msg contains 'fetching user_deny.db' then stop if $programname == 'lmtpunix' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'lmtpunix' then stop if $programname == 'imap' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'imap' then stop if $programname == 'imaps' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'imaps' then stop if $programname == 'master' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'master' then stop if $programname == 'ctl_cyrusdb' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'ctl_cyrusdb' then stop if $programname == 'pop3' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'pop3' then stop if $programname == 'pop3s' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'pop3s' then stop if $programname == 'squatter' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'squatter' then stop if $programname == 'tls_prune' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'tls_prune' then stop if $programname == 'cyr_expire' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'cyr_expire' then stop if $programname == 'sieve' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'sieve' then stop if $programname == 'deliver' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'deliver' then stop if $programname == 'ipurge' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'ipurge' then stop if $programname == 'saslauthd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'saslauthd' then stop if $programname == 'amavis' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'amavis' then stop if $programname == 'clamd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'clamd' then stop if $programname == 'freshclam' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'freshclam' then stop if $programname == 'fetchmail' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'fetchmail' then stop if $programname == 'spamd' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'spamd' then stop if $programname contains 'postfix' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname contains 'postfix' then stop if $programname == 'reconstruct' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'reconstruct' then stop if $programname == 'policyd-spf' and $syslogseverity <= '6' then /var/log/maillog.log if $programname == 'policyd-spf' then stop # slapd if $programname == 'slapd' then /var/log/slapd.log if $programname == 'slapd' then stop # PulseAudio if $programname == 'pulseaudio' and $msg contains 'Denied access to client with invalid authentication data' then stop if $programname == 'pulseaudio' then /var/log/pulseaudio.log if $programname == 'pulseaudio' then stop # hostapd if $programname == 'hostapd' then /var/log/hostapd.log if $programname == 'hostapd' then stop # nscd if $programname == 'nscd' then /var/log/nscd.log if $programname == 'nscd' then stop # arpwatch if $programname == 'arpwatch' then /var/log/arpwatch.log if $programname == 'arpwatch' then stop # X if $programname == 'mate-session' then /var/log/x.log if $programname == 'mate-session' then stop if $programname == 'Tor' then /var/log/x.log if $programname == 'Tor' then stop # xinetd if $programname == 'xinetd' then /var/log/xinetd.log if $programname == 'xinetd' then stop # in.tftp if $programname == 'in.tftpd' then /var/log/in.tftpd.log if $programname == 'in.tftpd' then stop # pppd if $programname == 'dhcpcd' then /var/log/pppd.log if $programname == 'dhcpcd' then stop if $programname == 'radvd' then /var/log/pppd.log if $programname == 'radvd' then stop if $programname == 'pppd' then /var/log/pppd.log if $programname == 'pppd' then stop # wlan if $programname == 'wpa_cli' then /var/log/messages if $programname == 'wpa_cli' then stop # cups if $programname == 'cupsd' then /var/log/cupsd.log if $programname == 'cupsd' then stop # bash scripts using g-lib if $programname contains 'g_bash-script' then /var/log/g_bash-scripts.log if $programname contains 'g_bash-script' then stop # Rest in messages *.* /var/log/messages backup: yes notify: - Restart rsyslog when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: hd-idle for spinning down disks after XXX seconds idle blockinfile: path: /etc/default/hd-idle create: yes mode: "0444" owner: root group: root marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | HD_IDLE_OPTS="-i 300 -l /var/log/hd-idle.log" backup: yes notify: - Restart hd-idle when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: /etc/default/btrfsmaintenance blockinfile: path: /etc/default/btrfsmaintenance mode: "0444" owner: root group: root create: yes insertbefore: EOF marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | BTRFS_LOG_OUTPUT="syslog" BTRFS_BALANCE_MOUNTPOINTS="auto" BTRFS_BALANCE_PERIOD="monthly" BTRFS_SCRUB_MOUNTPOINTS="auto" BTRFS_SCRUB_PERIOD="monthly" backup: yes when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: /etc/logrotate.conf (weekly->daily) ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/logrotate.conf regexp: '^weekly$' line: 'daily' backup: yes when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 (remove delaycompress) ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 regexp: '.*delaycompress$' state: absent when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: /etc/logrotate.d/00-local blockinfile: path: /etc/logrotate.d/00-local mode: "0444" owner: root group: root create: yes marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | /var/log/dmesgcron /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog /var/log/*.log { rotate 7 daily missingok notifempty copytruncate compress postrotate /usr/lib/rsyslog/rsyslog-rotate endscript } when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: Remove logrotates ansible.builtin.file: path: /etc/logrotate.d/alternatives state: absent when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: Remove logrotates ansible.builtin.file: path: /etc/logrotate.d/dpkg state: absent when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: Remove logrotates ansible.builtin.file: path: /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog state: absent when: nocontainer.stat.exists == true - name: /usr/local/bin/notify.sh blockinfile: path: /usr/local/bin/notify.sh mode: "0555" owner: root group: root create: yes marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" block: | if [ -n "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" ] then opts=$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND unset SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND echo $opts >/tmp/SSH notify.sh $opts exit $? fi . /etc/bash/gaboshlib.include g_nice g_lockfile if [ -f /usr/local/etc/notify.conf ] then . /usr/local/etc/notify.conf else exit 1 fi to="$default_to" togroup="$default_togroup" while getopts s:t:g:h:m: o do case $o in s) subj="$OPTARG";; t) to="$OPTARG";; g) togroup="$OPTARG";; h) tohost="$OPTARG";; m) tomail="$OPTARG" esac done # If message should be sent by another host if [ -n "$tohost" ] then if getent passwd signal >/dev/null then cat | sudo -u signal ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -p33 $tohost " $@" else cat | ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -p33 $tohost " $@" fi exit $? fi message="$(cat)" [ "$message" = "''" ] && exit 0 [ -z "$message" ] && exit 0 if [ -n "$subj" ] then message=$(echo -e "$subj\n$message") fi if [ -n "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" ] then subj=$(echo "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" | sed 's#^/usr/local/bin/notify.sh##; s/^ *//; s/^\"//; s/\"$//') message=$(echo -e "$subj$message") fi if [ -n "$tomail" ] then echo "$message" | mail -s "notify.sh: $subj" $tomail fi if ! [ -f /home/signal/.local/share/signal-cli/data/accounts.json ] then echo "No Signal account?!" exit 1 fi account=$(cat /home/signal/.local/share/signal-cli/data/accounts.json | jq -r '.accounts[0].number' | sed 's/+/_/') if [ -z "$account" ] then echo "Didn't get Signal account" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$togroup" ] then # Send to group via dbus # Get group ID via dbus according to: https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/issues/1046 groupid=$(dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest='org.asamk.Signal' /org/asamk/Signal/${account} org.asamk.Signal.listGroups | grep "$togroup" -B3 | head -n2 | perl -pe 's/\n/ /g;' | perl -pe 's/ +/ /g; s/ $//; s/ /,0x/g; s/^,//') if [ -z "$groupid" ] then g_echo_error "Group(ID) $togroup not found (id=$groupid). Does Group really exist? -- Groups $(dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest='org.asamk.Signal' /org/asamk/Signal/${account} org.asamk.Signal.listGroups)" exit 1 fi dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest="org.asamk.Signal" /org/asamk/Signal/${account} org.asamk.Signal.sendGroupMessage string:"$message" array:string: array:byte:${groupid} | egrep -v '^method return time=|^ int64 ' fi if [ -n "$to" ] then # Sent to a single Number via dbus dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest="org.asamk.Signal" /org/asamk/Signal/${account} org.asamk.Signal.sendMessage string:"${message}" array:string: string:${to} | egrep -v '^method return time=|^ int64 ' fi backup: yes validate: /bin/bash -n %s - name: /usr/local/bin/notify.sh shebang lineinfile: path: /usr/local/bin/notify.sh insertbefore: BOF line: "#!/bin/bash" handlers: - name: Restart journald service: name: systemd-journald state: restarted - name: Restart rsyslog service: name: rsyslog state: restarted - name: Restart hd-idle service: name: hd-idle state: restarted