DynDNS with dedyn/deSEC (https://desec.io)
This is needed if you want to make services available from the Internet. This may also be needed to validate SSL-ACME-Challenges used by letsencrypt. deSEC is my preferred DNS provider but there are others too.
Use at your own risk.
Please look first at the playbooks downloaded and run by the install.sh to understand whats going on and then decide if it is fine for you to run on your system.
You also should test this on an non-productive Test-System to fit your needs.
Register on the https://desec.io/ website
Create a domain - Click on + in https://desec.io/domains
Create a CNAME wildcard for your domain
- click on your domain
- click on "+"
- Record Set Type: CNAME
- Subname: *
- Target hostname: choosen-domainname.dedyn.io. (finalizing "." is important)
- click on "Save"
- SSH into your Server and write the config customized with your data:
# should IPv6 be done? possible are "yes", "no" or "only"
doipv6="yes"' >/usr/local/etc/dedyn.conf
- Download
wget https://gitea.ds9.dedyn.io/olli/debian.ansible.nextcloud.server/raw/branch/main/install.sh
- Run the Script This runs some other Playbooks needed by this playbook.
bash install.sh